Endometriosis Treatment

Get treatment from Best Doctor for Endometriosis in Mumbai

Endometriosis by definition a condition resulting from the appearance of endometrial tissue outside the uterus and causing pelvic pain, especially associated with menstruation. Quite frankly a lot of medical stuff can be quite dry and boring and does not convey what it is like for a woman to have this disease and how it truly impacts her life, her family, her career, her sex life, and her ability to live her life in very basic ways.

Symptoms of Endometriosis

In reality, this disease can be like having tens or hundreds of restlessly painful blisters covering the inside of the pelvis. These are some most common symptoms of endometriosis.

  • Pelvic Pain
  • Infertility
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Heavy Menstrual pain
  • Pain during urination and bowel movement

Is There Any Cure For Endometriosis?

“Endometriosis” and “cure” are rarely seen together in the same sentence. After all, it is supposed to be a prolonged recurrent disease that always comes back, and for many patients, this mantra is borne out in their personal experience with the disease; they undergo repeated failed surgeries and hormone therapies without relief.

Treatment for endometriosis is usually with medications or surgery. The approach you and your doctor choose will depend on the severity of your signs and symptoms and whether you hope to become pregnant. Generally, doctors recommend trying conservative treatment approaches first, opting for surgery as a last resort.

Medications for endometriosis pain relief can include:

  • Over-the-counter pain relief.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Conservative surgery

If you have endometriosis and are trying to become pregnant, surgery to remove as much as possible while preserving your uterus and ovaries. Conservative surgery may increase your chances of success. If you have severe pain due to this disease, you may also benefit from surgery. However, endometriosis and pain may return. Your doctor may do this procedure laparoscopically or through traditional abdominal surgery in more extensive cases. In laparoscopic surgery, your surgeon inserts a slender viewing instrument (laparoscope) through a small incision near your navel and inserts instruments to remove endometrial tissue through another small incision.

Contact Dr. Ranjana Dhanu to get the best endometriosis treatment in Mumbai.

About the Author:ranjana

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