Navigating Low Ovarian Reserve: Understanding and Treating this Fertility Challenge

The path to parenthood can be both exciting and challenging, and for some women, the journey may involve facing unexpected hurdles. One such obstacle is low ovarian reserve, a condition that can significantly impact fertility. In this article, we will explore what low ovarian reserve is, the potential causes behind it, and various treatment options available for those grappling with this fertility challenge.


Understanding Ovarian Remnant Syndrome and its Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is Ovarian Remnant Syndrome?

Ovarian Remnant Syndrome (ORS) is a rare but potentially problematic condition that can occur in women who have had one or both ovaries removed surgically (oophorectomy). This condition arises when small ovarian tissue fragments are unintentionally left behind during the surgery or when they inadvertently reattach themselves after the procedure.

Best Treatment For Ovarian Cancer in Mumbai

Best Treatment For Ovarian Cancer Screening in Mumbai

Cystic lesions in the ovary are usually benign. They can vary in size, present unilaterally or bilaterally. May present with pain, irregular menses, abdominal bloating or asymptomatic diagnosed on a routine ultrasound examination. An ultrasound Doppler coupled with blood tests which is the CA 125 can help rule out any malignant changes. Occasionally in endometriotic [...]